Summer Meals Matter: What does it look like at a Second Harvest Summer Meal Site?
As summer break quickly approaches, Second Harvest is revisiting some of the stories we have told from our summer meal sites across...
Summer Meals Matter: What does it look like at a Second Harvest Summer Meal Site?
Faith & Hunger Series: Pastor Deon Parker of Life on Lexington
“If we can just make it to the end of the summer, we’ll be alright.”
Local Kids Need a Boost: Jon Lowder and the PTAA help fight summer hunger
After the Storm: Greensboro’s Community Cupboard sees a dramatic increase in need after tornad
Second Harvest Food Bank: Tornado Response
We are here to learn from each other (and eat).
Summer meal sites get kids the food they need… and want.
Summer Meals Matter
Feeding Health at the Food Bank Garden
How do the proposed budget cuts impact your county?