5 Ways to Give Back this Holiday
In all the hustle and bustle, we know it’s important to you to give back during the holiday season and reflect on community.
5 Ways to Give Back this Holiday
10 Heart Healthy Food Items to Donate
Local Kids Need a Boost: Jon Lowder and the PTAA help fight summer hunger
“What’s not okay is for my kids to be hungry.”
Feeding Fresh: Tyson Foods makes a lead gift to help increase Second Harvest produce distribution
Seeing Waste, Creating Abundance: Community Cupboard Thrives in High Point
“Summertime can feel so impossible. I’ve learned that it is okay to ask for help.”
Giving Back: Can the Man Van
10 Things You Should Know about Food Waste and 10 Ways You Can Help
“Food is just so important.” Linda Hill’s collection of bowls from our Empty Bowls
Fellowship, like a hot meal, provides comfort.
Stone Soup for Empty Bowls