About Hunger

Hunger in North Carolina
Food is foundational. Everyone needs nutritious food to thrive and reach their full potential. Families are working hard to provide for themselves, AND YET far too many people in our region face food insecurity.
Government shutdowns, the pandemic – times of crisis have shown us all just how many families are just one paycheck away from facing hunger.
Increases in cost-of-living expenses are becoming too much for families and seniors to bear, leaving little to nothing left for the purchase of food.
As household budgets tighten, more and more families are turning to the Second Harvest network.

1 in 7 people in Northwest North Carolina is food insecure.
1 in 5 children doesn't get enough food to thrive.
Low wages. Fixed incomes that are not keeping up with rising costs of living. Poverty.
These are among the challenges that impact the economic stability of families.
Millions of people across the nation face these challenges - but children and seniors, are among the most vulnerable.

What does hunger look like in your community?
Hunger in Northwest North Carolina.
Second Harvest serves communities across 18 counties, from Boone to Burlington. Some communities are cities, some are college towns, many are rural communities. But not one is immune to hunger.
Learn about the impact of hunger in your community here.

Hunger & Health
Hunger is not just about calories...it's about health.
Food is expensive and fresh, healthy options are even more so. Families frequently are forced to choose quantity (filling up bellies) over quality (healthier, nutrient-rich options).
The connection between hunger and health is clear: Obesity, diabetes, and other diet-related illnesses are higher in food-insecure households.
Follow our social feeds to see work connecting hunger and health

To find solutions to hunger, we have to understand it.
Service Insights
Second Harvest works with our 18 county partner network to collect data on hunger and health in local communities. Insights gleaned from these on-going efforts inform our programmatic and advocacy work.
Map the Meal Gap
This annual Feeding America study demonstrates the urgent need for each of us to find ways to be part of the solution to the problem of hunger in our local community. Go to the map here.​​
State of Senior Hunger Report
Our partner programs are seeing more and more seniors as our population ages and seniors are trying to make ends meet on fixed incomes. Read the report here.

3330 Shorefair Drive
Winston-Salem, NC 27105
Tel: 336-784-5770
Fax: 336.784.7369