“Thank you for your service, Corporal.”
Eric Aft: Past Accomplishments and Future Achievements
Go well, Clyde
Second Harvest Food Bank: 36 Years of Feeding Community
A Message from our New CEO: Eric Aft
Farewell, but not goodbye.
Snow Days Can Mean Hungry Days
Take the Pledge: Volunteering in the New Year
Holiday Food Drives
Bearing witness to the great generosity and kindness of our communities.
Feeding Fresh: Tyson Foods makes a lead gift to help increase Second Harvest produce distribution
“Tell me how far you can stretch that?” Veteran and Poet Lavinia Jackson Asks the Hard Q
Apple Wraps and Healthy Snacks: Cooking Matters for Kids
Strengthening Families and Communities: FNS Outreach at Second Harvest
We are here to learn from each other (and eat).
Second Harvest Opened 35 Years Ago (and we have been feeding community ever since)
Seeing Waste, Creating Abundance: Community Cupboard Thrives in High Point
The Outcomes Are Clear: Advocating for TEFAP and SNAP