Happy Pride Month!
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Happy Pride Month!

As we usher in June, we are not only warming up to the start of summer, but we are also embracing an exciting, colorful period of togetherness and acceptance: Pride Month! Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest NC is excited to commemorate this month long celebration, honoring the LGBTQ+ community and recognizing the incredible diversity that strengthens our society.

This year, we are thrilled to announce our participation as a sponsor of Winston-Salem Pride! We are delighted to be a part of this vibrant celebration of diversity, acceptance, and love, but we need your help to make our presence as impactful as possible.

We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to join us on Saturday, June 24, from 9:00 am to 6:30 pm. You'll be integral to our efforts, whether that's spreading the word about food insecurity in the LGBTQ+ community, helping run our information booth, or walking proudly with us in the parade.

Volunteering for this event is a fantastic opportunity to show your support for both the LGBTQ+ community and ensure that everyone has the food they need to lead healthy, productive lives. You will be on the frontlines of change, helping us to reach out, educate, and engage with the community while celebrating Pride.

To sign up for a volunteer slot, simply follow this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508094EA5AC22AAFE3-second4

Whether you can spare an hour or the whole day, your time and support would be immensely valuable. Remember, change starts with us, right here in our community. Volunteering with us is not just about lending a hand; it's about standing up for equity, combating food insecurity, and fostering a society where everyone, regardless of who they are or whom they love, can live without the worry of where their next meal is coming from.

Let's make this Pride Month truly meaningful by helping those in need and celebrating the beautiful diversity that strengthens our community. We hope to see you there, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with us in unity and Pride!

We extend a heartfelt invitation to you, our community, to join us in our efforts to combat food insecurity. Let’s band together this Pride Month to ensure that no one goes to bed hungry. Whether it's by donating food, funds, or your time - your contribution will go a long way in ensuring our LGBTQ+ community has the resources they need.

Together, we can paint a future where hunger is no longer a concern for anyone in our community. Let’s let our actions during this Pride Month speak louder than any rainbow-colored banner ever could.

We at Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest NC wish you all a Happy Pride Month! Let's make it a June to remember!

Love is love, and food is a right, not a privilege. Because, everyone deserves to eat.

With Pride,

Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest NC

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Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest NC

3655 Reed St. 

Winston-Salem, NC 27107



Tel: 336-784-5770

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